
'FIELDS OF WAR' ACCLAIMED AS MILITARY HISTORY AND TOUR GUIDE -- receives second national book award [more...]

'It is a brave author who attempts to pack more than 600 years of military history into one volume, but Mueller succeeds in this with some skill, and the book is nicely organized in chapters covering periods from the Hundred Years War and WW2. Common sites are described as well as those less familiar, and the historical descriptions are good, and well constructed. The maps are good, and the illustrations well chosen and clear. An excellent, highly recommended companion to the battlefields of France and Belgium, and a good single volume to keep in the car.'
– Paul Reed, First World War historian and author

'Mueller's "Fields of War: Fifty Key Battlefields in France and Belgium" is an important, essential companion to anyone's attempt to understand and honor the vast array of human suffering, courage and sacrifice to be found in the region's hundreds of memorials, monuments and cemeteries.'
Denis Horgan, Connecticut Watchdog
Read the whole review

'Fields of War gives you not only a wealth of historical information about this part of Western Europe: the political times & countries doing battle, armies & battle movements, key opponents & weaponry, aftermaths & consequences, it also has text boxes explaining how to take the battlefield tours … … Some may want to whet their appetite for the next 500 years of warfare by following the Battle of Crecy, others will zero in on a specific modern battle. Either way, Fields of War is clearly laid out, readable & filled with useful details.'
- D. H. Brown, MWSA Reviewer

'...a guide to peruse before the trip and definitely a must-have book while visiting the sites.' '... a travel book unprecedented by others. [Mr. Mueller's] organized and detailed attention to creating a memorable and educational tour for the reader is well noted. The sites and historical facts will be engrained in the tourist’s mind forever.'
- Irene Watson of Reader Views

'Fields of War is a wonderful book; beautifully produced, comfortable to handle and read, and in a wonderfully friendly format …. [the author] tackled a vast subject and brought it together beautifully.' – Sir Philip Preston, co-author of The Battle of Crécy, 1346.

'...impressively researched book...a somber and fascinating guide illustrated with maps and photos.' - June Sawyers of Chicago Tribune, 8/30/2009

'No dining or accommodation suggestions are included, but for visiting these historic battlefields, the book is invaluable. It's a good option for armchair travelers and historians as well.' - David Lee Poremba, Library Journal 10/1/2009